Friday, 6 February 2015

Importance of KEAM 2015 Admit Card

KEAM 2015 Admit Card can be downloaded from the website of Commission of Entrance Examination. Candidates will be required to enter the details asked on website to download their admit card. The admit cards will not be sent to the candidates via any other mode (post, mail, etc).
Website to Download Admit Card:

The admit card is an essential document without which the candidates will not be allowed to enter the exam hall. It is also known as 'Hall Ticket' through which candidates can get into the exam hall.

Date of Release: No confirm date has been released by the officials, so on the basis of previous year data we can say that KEAM 2015 Admit Card will be available to download from the month of March 2015.

As already mentioned that the admit card will only be available via online mode to be downloaded by the candidates therefore they have to visit the website of Kerala CEE and follow these steps to download it:

1. Visit the website.
2. Click on the link for downloading the admit card (the link will be activated with the release of admit card).
3. Enter the details asked there (date of birth and application number).
4. Click 'Submit' button.
5. Download the admit card and take a print out of it.
6.  The admit card must be preserved till the end of whole process.

KEAM 2015 Admit Card- Download Failure:

If in case candidate is unable to download their admit card then they will have to meet the Liaison Officer with two attested photos on a plain paper by any Gazetted officer or from the head of Institute last attended by the candidate.
If they are not able to download their KEAM 2015 Admit Card because of incomplete form or documents then a memo will be released in which all the errors or missing documents will be listed. As soon as candidates overcome these errors they will be able to download their admit card.

Thursday, 29 January 2015

EAMCET 2015 Exam Pattern Details

EAMCET 2015 Exam Pattern will disclose all the information for helping candidates to prepare for the entrance exam of EAMCET 2015. All the highlights for exam will be given in the article below. This will help them to score well in the exam. The EAMCET entrance exam is conducted every year by JNTU Hyderabad and APSCHE for the candidates of Andhra Pradesh, thus following a specific pattern in the exam. Whenever few amendments are introduced in the pattern, they are specified in the notification for the exam.

EAMCET 2015 Exam Pattern: 

Candidates can refer to the details for EAMCET 2015 Exam Pattern mentioned in the points below:
The question paper will be available in two languages, i.e., English and Telugu.
Candidates those who want their question paper in Urdu must only choose Hyderabad as their exam centre.
Paper will be consisting questions from Chemistry, Mathematics, English.
Exam will be objective type, i.e., candidates will have to choose the correct answer from the given options.
For the ease of understanding, the marking scheme is mentioned in the tabular form below:
Marking Scheme:

No. Of sections
Total questions
Questions from Maths
80 questions
Questions from Chemistry
40 questions
Questions from Physics
40 questions
For incorrect answers
No negative marking.
For correct answer
1 mark for each answer.


There are various benefits of prior knowledge about the EAMCET 2015 Exam Pattern. It will give a boost to the confidence of candidates and will motivate them to prepare and score well. Candidates having knowledge about the exam pattern will have following benefits:
  • They can prepare strategy for preparation.
  • It will help them to focus on the sections in which they are not good.
  • It will be easy for them in the main exam.
  • They will have a better chance of scoring higher than other candidates.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

BITSAT 2015 Admit Card, Hall Ticket Details Information

Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) is an institute for higher education. It is one of the deemed universities of the country. A huge number of candidates prefer this university for their higher studies. There are around 15 departments under the university that focuses on undergraduate education of the candidates. Candidates need to fill the application form for the exam as without it they will not be considered for the exam. They will have to download their BITSAT 2015 Admit Card as well as it is also important to appear in the exam.

Admit card is an important document for the candidates. It is a document without which the candidates will not be able to enter the examination hall. Candidates must take the hard copy of their admit card to successfully enter the examination hall and appear in the exam.

Admit Card of BITSAT 2015

Admit card will be available for downloading from 15 April 2015 to 30 April 2015. Candidates appearing in BITSAT 2015 must carry their BITSAT 2015 Admit Card with them to the venue. Admit card is the only document which candidates have to take inside the exam hall. The admit card will be available on the website of BITSAT. The admit card will be released only for the candidates those who have successfully submitted their application form.

The step-wise procedure to download the admit card is given below:

1. Visit the website of BITSAT and click the link for downloading the admit card.
2. Enter application number and other required details.
3. Submit the details.
4. The admit card will appear on the screen.
5. Save it and take print out as well for future references.

The admit card will be containing information of the candidates. If in case the information printed on BITSAT 2015 Admit Card is incorrect or missing, they must contact the authorities as soon as possible.

Information on Admit Card:

  • Candidates can find the following information on their admit card:
  • Name of the candidate.
  • Application number.
  • Registration number.
  • Exam date.
  • Exam time.
  • Exam venue.
  • Exam instructions.
  • Photo of the candidate.
  • Signature of the candidate

As already mentioned, the candidates without their BITSAT 2015 Admit Card will not be allowed to sit for BITSAT 2015 therefore they must not forget to carry it to the exam centre. It is also advised to carry a valid Id of the candidate. There must not be any kind of alteration or changes in the admit card made by the candidates.

If they find any error or issues with the details printed in the admit card then candidates must contact the concerned authorities as soon as possible. If they try to make changes by themselves then candidates will end up in spoiling their admit card and they will no longer be able to use it for entering the exam hall and appearing in the exam.

For any other details for the BITSAT exam and related events candidates must visit the website of BITSAT or they can also search

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Karnataka cet 2015 Application form, Admit Card Information

Karnataka University conducts common entrance test (KCET) at state level for the admission to various professional courses offered by the institutions in the Karnataka state. This article throws light on the details and information of KCET 2015 Application Form and its related aspects.

KCET 2015 Application Form Details

Candidates can obtain the application form of KCET in online as well as in offline mode. This form would be available in the beginning of March 2015 on the official website. So, the candidates who wish to appear in KCET exam are advised to go through the guidelines before filling the application form.

KCET 2015 Application Form 

  • Candidates who want to give KCET 2015, must fill their application forms carefully and properly. 
  • Candidate should not enter misleading details in the application form. If any of the details are found incorrect, it may lead to the cancellation of the form. 
  • Karnataka University will not accept any form after the due date. So, interested candidates are advised to fill the form on time. 

Who can fill KCET 2015 Application Form? 

Eligibility Details

  • Candidate must have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination from the recognized board or university
  • Candidate should be 17 years of age as on before 31st December 2014
  • Only students who are the residents of Karnataka can give KCET 2015 exam. However candidates who are not from Karnataka can appear in this entrance test only if they have studied for 7 years in Karnataka

Procedure to fill KCET Application Form online 

Candidates who are willing to apply online can fill the application form by visiting the website of Karnataka University. Steps to fill the online application form are-
1. Candidate should visit the official website.
2. Type KCET 2015 Application Form in the search bar. Then click on the link directing to it.
3. Fill all the necessary details like- name, age, address, date of birth etc. These details should be entered carefully as information once given cannot be altered.
4. After filling the application form, candidates are required to upload the photograph and signature.
5. Lastly, click on submit button to process the application request.

Fees details for KCET 2015 Application Form

Candidates who have filled the KCET application form online can pay the fee via Net Banking/Debit/Credit card. On the other hand, candidates who wish to apply offline can pay the fee at the time of purchasing the application form.

Important Dates of kcet 2015 Application Form

  • Availability of Application Form starts from- March Starting 
  • Last date for submitting the Application Form- Mid April. 
KCET 2015 Admit Card

KCET Admit Card 2015 will be uploaded by the Karnataka Examination Authority, on its official website. KCET applicants can download the same from 15 April 2015. Complete information about the examination date, timing and the center will be mentioned on the admit card. Candidates have to enter their particular application number and the password to download the admit card. In order to permit the applicants, their respective admit cards will be verified by the examination authority hence, do not forgot to download carry your specific admit card at the examination venue. KCET 2015 Exam is scheduled to be held on 29 & 30 April 2015.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Results Details

These are achieved only when he/ she goes through flame ensure that you opens all of the difficulties although students living is prearranged with options. Various practices judge them but the ultimate way to know and bring their caliber out could be the examination process. CBSE exams also apply this guide so when the tests strategy, pupils get quite tight towards their routines that are studying and they perform hard reducing these leisure activities. After the exams are over, although individuals do continue their leisure activities, anxiety and a continuing fear around the outcome stays at the back in their mind.

Email address details are just how of determining the pupils' capability and the way they have fared in assessments. Some individuals head to the caber cafe and those who've net at their home if the results are about to be reported, they simply keep checking it and they're sometimes very happy or get depressed, when they finally get acquainted with their effectiveness document. The CBSE results have been the judging parameter of individuals.

CBSE results have now presented of filing effects, a brand new type.

  • Students must forget about follow the earlier kind of searching about their effects because they may be with this new technique comfy.
  • They can pre-enroll their basic facts like label, e-mail identification and throw no.
  • After the learners get registered, access their CBSE consequence of 12th or 10th school and they have to only wait for the email.
  • Access their results in the last minute and then earlier individuals needed to login at the official website of CBSE.
  • to cope up together with the results simply and to be able to prevent the eleventh hour confusions, CBSE has initiated this new rule.
  • Many a situations, it used-to occur that the results were planning to be declared or were presently declared, since, the CBSE website had some error or perhaps the CBSE results required longer time to start the scorecard.

Of late, CBSE has even initiated a fresh design of marking whereby the quantities have turned to grades. Quite simply, the marking scheme that has been owning the CBSE results has been replaced by the grading system. Before, percentage's competition was the students' problem of concern because it was the determining element which stream they could go for. However, this grade program may have succeeded the prior marking scheme-but these marks are decided of how much marks the student has acquired on the premise.
  • His report is currently running in 91-100 and when the student has done terribly, he would get grade that was A1 in his result scorecard that was CBSE.
  • Similarly whilst the score reduces, every 10 marks are decreased after by the quality.
  • The bottom levels obtained by scholar in CBSE results are E2 and E1. The previous rank is at the ranking which is in 21-32 and also the latter establishes the scars between 00-20.
  • The marks E1 obviously ascertain the student has not cleaned his/ her exams and would have to reappear to test challenging and obtain success.

There are in counseling the pupils during results many student help-lines that aid. The aim of these counseling help-lines would be to supply beneficial assistance to the individuals and enable them overcome CBSE results' stress and nearly every scenario.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

IIT Jee main 2015 answer key Released on 18 April

JEE Main 2015 due on 4, 10 and 11 April 2015. JEE Main 2015 answer key will be issued on 18 April 2015. Candidates will be able to download it form the official website. With the help of answer key, candidates may predict their scores.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts various exams, every year. From school board exams to common entrance exams, all are conducted by the Board. One such exam is JEE Main 2015, which will be held in the month of April, this year. On 4 April, it will be conducted in offline mode, whereas, on 10 and 11 April 2015 it will be held in written, by candidates, in online mode. Exam will be held at national level and candidates all across the nations will write it.

To write the exam, candidates were supposed to fill application form. Last date to submit form was 18 December 2015, which was then extended to 26 December and now has been extended to 10 January. Candidates who will fill application form now, should remember that will be filled only for the center in Manipur and no where else. To fill application form, candidates will have to visit the official website and register their, by entering few details. Next candidates will have to fill application form and remit fee. Fee can be remitted online, via safe payment gateway like net banking and debit/ credit card or candidates may submit it offline through e-challan.

application form and fee properly and will also submit it before last date. Admit card will be issued from 1 April 2015. Eligible candidates must carry JEE Main 2015 hall ticket, another name for admit card, must be carried to the exam center, as enter inside exam hall will be held against it. When in exam hall, candidates will get 3 hours to finish the exam, in which candidates will have to solve 90 question of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. All the questions will be of multiple choice type and only PH candidates with more than 40% disability will be granted extra time. For marking correct answer candidates will receive 4 marks, while for marking wrong ones 1 mark will be deducted, as negative marking.

After exam candidates will be able to check their result online, on the official website. It will announced on 27 April 2015. However, before that the Board will also issue JEE Main 2015 answer key. Key will be published on 18 April 2015. Candidates will be able to avail it form the official website. Aim to issue the answer key, is to maintain transparency and to let candidates know correct answer for each question. However, with the help of key and exam pattern, candidate will be able to predict their scores as well.

JEE Main 2015 answer key will be published as pdf file, which contain all the answer to the questions in an exam. Candidates must cross-check their marked option with the answer key, for correct answer award 4 marks to themselves. If candidates have marked any answer wrong, then as per the provision of negative marking 1 mark must be deducted. When adding and subtracting procedure will end, candidates will be left with their total score in the exam. 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Importance of AIPMT 2015 Exam Hall Ticket

AIPMT or All India Pre Medical Test is an entrance exam that offers admission to the candidates in various UG medical courses. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) organizes this test every year. In 2015, the exam will be conducted on 3 May (Sunday). To apply for AIPMT, candidates will have to fill the application form which was released on 01 December 2014. The last dates without submitting late fee was 31 December 2014 though candidates can also fill the forms with the late fee till 31 January 2015. The form will be available via online mode on the website of AIPMT.

In this article we will be providing the details to download the admit card, where to download and its uses. Let us start with steps that will lead to successfully download the AIPMT 2015 Admit Card. It will be issued on the website of CBSE.

  • Visit the website of AIPMT and click the link for downloading the admit card
  • Enter the details that are required to download the admit card
  • Submit the form
  • After following all these steps candidates will be able to view their admit card
  • Now take multiple copies of admit card and keep it safe with them
  • NOTE: Generating multiple copies will help candidates in case of emergency. It will help them if they misplace any one of the copy
Importance Of AIPMT 2015 Admit Card

As we have already mentioned that without the admit card no candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall. AIPMT 2015 Hall Ticket will serve as the identity proof of the candidate in the exam. Candidates must also bring one of their identity card issued by the Indian government. These are the only documents that are allowed to be carried with the candidates in the exam hall.

While downloading the admit card candidates must take care of few things. They must take care of the details that are printed on the admit card. All the details must be correct otherwise they will not be able to enter the exam hall using this admit card.

If any error is found in the details then they must contact the concerned authority an get it corrected as soon as possible. Candidates must not make any changes in the admit card by themselves. If they do so, their admit card will not be accepted by the officials at the exam hall and therefore they will not be allowed to enter the exam hall.

We hope that the details for AIPMT  Admit Card provided here are beneficial enough for the candidates. These details are on the basis of data available to us. If candidates want to anything else regarding AIPMT, then they must keep visiting our website or can also visit AIPMT official website.